Angel Blessings - Ordained Minister

Relationship Commitment Ceremony
Angels Blessings help us in many ways. They comfort and soothe as they give us something purposeful to do. Angel Blessings help us clarify our feelings and needs.
A new born baby is welcomed to a home with a blessing. Grandparents often insist on a ceremony of some sort. A Baby Angel Blessing is non-denominational, and can put family concerns to rest.
You are in a serious relationship, yet do not quite want to walk down the Isle, yet would like some form of commitment from your partner! An Angel Commitment Blessing could be the answer you are looking for. A Spiritual Marriage without the 'paper work'.
A celebration brings us together with other people and together we connect with the Angels. Best of all, they can be fun and give us great joy.
Together we can work out an outline for the Angel Blessing, something that everyone will be comfortable with. Then it will be time to get ready for the event, choose the right clothes, gifts and prepare mentally and spiritually in receiving Angel Blessings.
As an Ordained Minister, I can help you officiate these important moments in your life. Please feel free to phone me and we together we can find the perfect ceremony for the occasion.
Here are a few ideas and suggestions for Angel Blessings.
They are in no particular order, and you are welcome to make suggestions
A new born baby is welcomed to a home with a blessing. Grandparents often insist on a ceremony of some sort. A Baby Angel Blessing is non-denominational, and can put family concerns to rest.
You are in a serious relationship, yet do not quite want to walk down the Isle, yet would like some form of commitment from your partner! An Angel Commitment Blessing could be the answer you are looking for. A Spiritual Marriage without the 'paper work'.
A celebration brings us together with other people and together we connect with the Angels. Best of all, they can be fun and give us great joy.
Together we can work out an outline for the Angel Blessing, something that everyone will be comfortable with. Then it will be time to get ready for the event, choose the right clothes, gifts and prepare mentally and spiritually in receiving Angel Blessings.
As an Ordained Minister, I can help you officiate these important moments in your life. Please feel free to phone me and we together we can find the perfect ceremony for the occasion.
Here are a few ideas and suggestions for Angel Blessings.
They are in no particular order, and you are welcome to make suggestions
Angel Blessings Ceremonies

Memorial Blessing
Baby Angel Blessing - traditional Baptism or Christening
Welcome your baby into the world in a special way. You can tailor to exactly reflect the parent’s wishes — and help quell family requests for a church welcoming.
Relationship Commitment Blessing – Spiritual Marriage
You are now in a serious relationship, but do not want the wedding commitment quite yet. Ask the Angels to bless your relationship. Vows of commitment may be said, exchange of rings may take place. Ideal Blessing for Engagement or Living Together.
Home Angel Blessing - Harmony in the home with Angels
Invite the Angels into your home. They will fill it with peace, love, harmony and good health. Angels are very much part of our lives and they are just waiting for you to invite them in.
A home or work blessing can be done regularly – especially after a difficult period has transpired. new home, burglary, illness, new addition or someone leaving etc)
Birthday Blessing - Gratitude with the Angels
Invite the Angels to bless your special day, whilst you reflect on the past and make plans for the new. Celebrate with family and friends
Memorial Blessing - Gone Home
Celebrate your loved ones life in this sacred blessing
Car Blessing - Safety and Protection
We use our cars so often and seldom thing of the car itself. A Car Angel Blessing includes the whole car including the driver and all its passengers. We can even ask the Angels to help save on the fuel when travelling. Before leaving on a lengthy journey, bless your car
Pet Blessing - Acknowledge our furry friends
Pets can be our true companions. You arrive home from work to find your furry friend overjoyed at your return. Angels do love pets.
Garden Blessings - Invite the fairies into your garden
Invite the Fairies and elves to your garden. Children and pets will love this! Watch your flowers bloom and garden flourish! Remember, to keep your garden organic after this blessing, otherwise the fairies might leave.
Mother-to-be Blessing - Preparation for easy birth
Instead of the traditional Baby Shower, why not invite your friends for a Mother-to-be Angel Blessing. Prayers and blessings for easy birth are very important
Coming of Age Blessing - Important milestone in our lives
These are important milestones in our lives. Each has its own significant meaning and affects your life and those around you. Honour and celebrate this special occasion with the Angels, invite them into your life as a new cycle begins to unfold
Entering Womanhood Blessing - Celebrate womanhood empowered with strength
If menstruation has always been feared or misunderstood, how do we learn to feel good about our bodies when we bleed?
Few of us were treated with celebration and honouring to welcome us to our next phase – Woman. We need to welcome our daughters to womanhood and teach them that they are special and valued. We need to tell them it’s important that they honour their cycles
Invite the Angels to honour a young girl as she becomes a woman. It can be as simple as a mother and daughter ceremony or as complex as a family and close friends group ceremony. The young woman is involved in many of the ideas, and as a result will enter womanhood empowered with strength.
Menopause Blessing - Sanctify the changes aging brings
Women experience menopause in various ways. For some, it is liberating to be done with their monthly cycles. Others grieve the loss of reproductive potential. Whether the passage into menopause is difficult or joyful, physically or emotionally.
Retirement - Grounding for new stage in life
Many of us identify strongly with our work, making retirement a major life passage. We are not sure who we will be without our work to define us. We wonder how our time will pass when it follows a different rhythm. When we connect the transition to retirement with enduring Angel Blessing
Step on your new pathway guided on Angel Wings
Leaving Home Blessing - Empty Nest Syndrome
Leaving home for the first time can be very daunting on the person leaving, not to mention the ones left behind – empty nest syndrome. Often this occasion is filled with joy and sadness, anticipation and worry. Invite the Angels to join you and help you on this path
Travel Blessing - Travel on Angel Wings and safety
You have planned the perfect trip/holiday and cannot wait to get going. Invite the Angels to join you on this trip, ask them to bless your passport, your safety, your travel documents and money. A trip with the Angels ensures for happy memories.
New Project Angel Blessing - Bless your projects before they start
This ceremony will enhance the beginning of a new project to set it on the path of positive energy flow. Are you beginning a new business? Starting a study program? Alterations to home or garden? Managing a new account at work? Any project where you feel passion will be sparked “alive” by this ceremony.
New Space Angel Blessing - Home blessing
This simple ceremony imbues a new space with the energy of positive intentions. Perhaps you are redesigning a room in your home for a new function or creating a meditation garden in your backyard. This blessing ceremony creates harmony and flow toward the intention of the new space.
Family Angel Blessing - Unite the family with harmony and love
The family blessing ceremony can be completed whenever there is a significant event that affects the family unit. “Family” is any group of individuals that function as mutually supportive group, which could include a biological family or a family of persons that share a mutual bond. An event such as a new job can be celebrated with this ceremony, while an event that is difficult, such as an impending surgery, can be supported through this ceremony.
Welcome your baby into the world in a special way. You can tailor to exactly reflect the parent’s wishes — and help quell family requests for a church welcoming.
Relationship Commitment Blessing – Spiritual Marriage
You are now in a serious relationship, but do not want the wedding commitment quite yet. Ask the Angels to bless your relationship. Vows of commitment may be said, exchange of rings may take place. Ideal Blessing for Engagement or Living Together.
Home Angel Blessing - Harmony in the home with Angels
Invite the Angels into your home. They will fill it with peace, love, harmony and good health. Angels are very much part of our lives and they are just waiting for you to invite them in.
A home or work blessing can be done regularly – especially after a difficult period has transpired. new home, burglary, illness, new addition or someone leaving etc)
Birthday Blessing - Gratitude with the Angels
Invite the Angels to bless your special day, whilst you reflect on the past and make plans for the new. Celebrate with family and friends
Memorial Blessing - Gone Home
Celebrate your loved ones life in this sacred blessing
Car Blessing - Safety and Protection
We use our cars so often and seldom thing of the car itself. A Car Angel Blessing includes the whole car including the driver and all its passengers. We can even ask the Angels to help save on the fuel when travelling. Before leaving on a lengthy journey, bless your car
Pet Blessing - Acknowledge our furry friends
Pets can be our true companions. You arrive home from work to find your furry friend overjoyed at your return. Angels do love pets.
Garden Blessings - Invite the fairies into your garden
Invite the Fairies and elves to your garden. Children and pets will love this! Watch your flowers bloom and garden flourish! Remember, to keep your garden organic after this blessing, otherwise the fairies might leave.
Mother-to-be Blessing - Preparation for easy birth
Instead of the traditional Baby Shower, why not invite your friends for a Mother-to-be Angel Blessing. Prayers and blessings for easy birth are very important
Coming of Age Blessing - Important milestone in our lives
These are important milestones in our lives. Each has its own significant meaning and affects your life and those around you. Honour and celebrate this special occasion with the Angels, invite them into your life as a new cycle begins to unfold
Entering Womanhood Blessing - Celebrate womanhood empowered with strength
If menstruation has always been feared or misunderstood, how do we learn to feel good about our bodies when we bleed?
Few of us were treated with celebration and honouring to welcome us to our next phase – Woman. We need to welcome our daughters to womanhood and teach them that they are special and valued. We need to tell them it’s important that they honour their cycles
Invite the Angels to honour a young girl as she becomes a woman. It can be as simple as a mother and daughter ceremony or as complex as a family and close friends group ceremony. The young woman is involved in many of the ideas, and as a result will enter womanhood empowered with strength.
Menopause Blessing - Sanctify the changes aging brings
Women experience menopause in various ways. For some, it is liberating to be done with their monthly cycles. Others grieve the loss of reproductive potential. Whether the passage into menopause is difficult or joyful, physically or emotionally.
Retirement - Grounding for new stage in life
Many of us identify strongly with our work, making retirement a major life passage. We are not sure who we will be without our work to define us. We wonder how our time will pass when it follows a different rhythm. When we connect the transition to retirement with enduring Angel Blessing
Step on your new pathway guided on Angel Wings
Leaving Home Blessing - Empty Nest Syndrome
Leaving home for the first time can be very daunting on the person leaving, not to mention the ones left behind – empty nest syndrome. Often this occasion is filled with joy and sadness, anticipation and worry. Invite the Angels to join you and help you on this path
Travel Blessing - Travel on Angel Wings and safety
You have planned the perfect trip/holiday and cannot wait to get going. Invite the Angels to join you on this trip, ask them to bless your passport, your safety, your travel documents and money. A trip with the Angels ensures for happy memories.
New Project Angel Blessing - Bless your projects before they start
This ceremony will enhance the beginning of a new project to set it on the path of positive energy flow. Are you beginning a new business? Starting a study program? Alterations to home or garden? Managing a new account at work? Any project where you feel passion will be sparked “alive” by this ceremony.
New Space Angel Blessing - Home blessing
This simple ceremony imbues a new space with the energy of positive intentions. Perhaps you are redesigning a room in your home for a new function or creating a meditation garden in your backyard. This blessing ceremony creates harmony and flow toward the intention of the new space.
Family Angel Blessing - Unite the family with harmony and love
The family blessing ceremony can be completed whenever there is a significant event that affects the family unit. “Family” is any group of individuals that function as mutually supportive group, which could include a biological family or a family of persons that share a mutual bond. An event such as a new job can be celebrated with this ceremony, while an event that is difficult, such as an impending surgery, can be supported through this ceremony.