What are Angels?
The word Angels comes from the Greek word Angelos which means messenger. Angels are messengers from God, sending His Love to you. Angels are intelligent beings, capable of feelings, yet a different species, who have their existence on a slightly finer vibration frequency from ours. Therefore we cannot perceive them with our eyes and ears, but they can perceive us. They are not people that have 'become' angels. Today, angels are stepping forward once again, to help us more than ever before. They have received instructions to make closer contact with us. We are evolving into a new dimension. Their closer presence is deeply encouraging – just the helping hand for which so many of us have been praying for. The angels are here. They are with us, whether we believe in them or not. The Universe works on a need-to-know basis, when we ask we are answered. In talking to our angels, we extend and expand our capacity for growth and transformation – move closer to our destiny. |
How do Angels work?
Angels are messengers from God. They manifest in our three-dimensional world, and are literally messengers who are themselves the message. Angels together with God work with our souls, to help raise our sights and spirits by reminding us of the truth, beauty, and goodness that exist within everything. By calling upon the angels to help accomplish mundane as well as inspired tasks, we can be confident that all will proceed according to Higher Will, not just ours alone. With Angel's co-operation, we lose our sense of isolation. We begin to truly comprehend that we are not alone, not unaided, that there is help and guidance all around us. We start opening to the state of gratitude in which miracles can occur. Angels do not control us – they cannot tell us what to do. They are messengers, and therefore can only guide us. |
Angels watching over us
Angels have always been with us, in every time and culture. Ever since we emerged from the dim, distant past there have been record and representations of another race of beings that share this world with us. Our ancestors through the ages have tried to pass on what they knew about these beings. All three major religions in the Western world – Christianity, Judaism and Islam include celestial beings in their faith. Their scriptures all contain references to angelic interventions. Angels Everywhere
As you become more conscious of Angels, you will be surprised, at how often you will see them – pictures, words, signs, and names. Be on the lookout – they have been with us all the time, we just never noticed. |